New Case Study – “Still running smoothly” (Cimentos Madeira Terminal)

“Back in 2001, when Cimentos Madeira wanted to automate the bulk and bagged cement dispatching processes at its Socorridos depot on the island of Madeira, Portugal, it turned to the Cachapuz Bilanciai Group for a 24/7 solution. The producer’s offshore location, its extended dispatch schedule as well as the inter-operability and the synchronisation of data between its SAP Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and the new solution were key considerations when selecting the most suitable system and supplier”.
This is the abstract of the new SLV Cement case study published in the International Cement Review Magazine dedicated to the cement industry. This case study explains the advantages of the SLV Cement implementation in Cimentos Madeira Terminal more than 10 years ago and how the system still runs smoothly today, thanks to its robustness and reliability, according to the testimonial of Mr. José Franco, Logistics Director of Cimentos Madeira.
The complete case study can be found in the Case Studies section of SLV Cement website or it can be read directly on the new issue of ICR Magazine (issue September, 2012) which is already available.