A valuable Chat with Cachapuz’s Indian partner Cachapuz, String Automation

22 Agosto, 2019

Cachapuz has had the pleasure of having a conversation with its valuable Indian partner, Mr. Er. Bikramjit Singh, director of the company String Automation.

String Automation’s main goal is to ensure maximum customer satisfaction therefore is always seeking to find world-class advanced technology. It is precisely here that Cachapuz comes into the equation!

The partnership between the two companies began in November 2010. String Automation investigated and studied the best companies in the market and the choice fell on Cachapuz. Since then, the relationship between the companies became increasingly strong and mutual reliable because String Automation sees Cachapuz as a responsible company and leader in the quality of products and services.

String Automation has strongly benefited from Cachapuz’s advanced technology with respect to software solutions for the automation of logistics processes of industrial weighing, particularly with the SLV Cement solution.

Mr. Er. Bikramjit Singh relates some of the advantages pointed out by the clients:
– The process of ‘weigh in and weigh out “is done while the driver is sitting in the truck, thus benefiting from the practical nature of the solution;
– Reduction of pollution within the plant due to the even distribution of trucks;
– Increased employee productivity due to the clear vision they have on the availability of trucks through the control panel;
– Materials are loaded and unloaded to the right truck and location, since a warning is issued in the case of any inconsistency occurring in the system;
– Automatic printing of all documents and data flows has optimized the time management and also the organization of the associated processes to the entry and exit of trucks.

Er. Bikramjit states that it is of utmost importance that Cachapuz is a company “with a focus on quality. (…) The SLV Cement solution is a robust and sustainable solution that has proven its quality and efficiency around the world, ever since its first installation in 1997. “