SLV Cement Dashboard module improved

22 Agosto, 2019

The improved SLV Cement Dashboard Module enhances the SLV Cement features for traceability and visibility of the trucks in the plant.

With this module users can design de layout of the plant with point & click and drag & drop features, in order to represent all relevant areas of the plants such as the parking area, the entrance/exit gates, weighing zones, bags loading warehouses, bulk and clinker loading silos and raw materials unloading zones. This is done on top of a background image with the map/CAD of the plant (which can be configured for a more realistic representation of the plant with areas and roads).

Associated to each particular area of the plant, SLV Cement Dashboard can show, for instance, how many trucks are in each area in an easy and user friendly mode, complementing the other analysis tools of the system. Because of the configurability and flexibility features of this new module, it can be used to show different types of information in each area, such as performance statistics and KPI (average time spent by the trucks in each zone, the total amount/quantity of product loaded/unloaded in each zone, etc.) and it can also be configured to monitor the network connection of each kiosk on each area of the plant. Other information can be presented in this module, taking advantage of all the information and logs automatically generated by the system.

This module has certainly improved the user experience when using the SLV Cement solution. Have we conquered your interest?