SLV Cement solution used to automate alternative fuels unloading in Cimpor Unit

22 August, 2019

Cachapuz Bilanciai Group received a new order to implement an automated unloading solution in Cimpor Souselas cement plant in Portugal to improve the alternative fuels unloading processes. This new order reflects the satisfaction of Cimpor in Cachapuz solutions and also the commitment of the company to CO2 emissions reduction in cement manufacturing.

The new system will be composed of an SLV Cement unloading kiosk with RFID based identification, which will be fully integrated with the plant automation to control the unloading processes. The interface technology chosen to integrate both systems was PROFIBUS and DEVICENET and SLV Cement solution will integrate the data with identification of the truck, the weighing data of the operation (tare, net and gross weights) as well as the characteristics of the alternative fuel to unload (the European Waste Catalogue code, the heat of combustion of the product, among others).

This new system will be an extension of the current SLV Cement truck management and tracking system running in Souselas plant.